My Anthology of Rhyme
My Anthology of Rhyme
Trevi Formea
Copyright 2013 Trevi Formea
ISBN 978-1-30105384-1
This book is dedicated to my daughters and grandchildren. May you laugh, cry, wonder and be ever grateful for all your blessings in life. Love Always xo
My Anthology of Rhyme
Trevi Formea
A Showerama Drama
Whilst enjoying a warm shower the other day
Well earned after mowing the lawn
I accidently dropped the bar of soap
And on retrieval my eyes were drawn
To something furry and leggy in the corner
Who was obviously enjoying the same
Startled - I let our a holler
And began jumping around
Hoping that my splashing of water
Would soon have this spider drowned
Confident to continue my shower
I looked to where Arachnid had been
And to my complete horror
He wasn’t anywhere to be seen
I comforted myself with resolve and thought
My splashing sent him down the drain
When suddenly my nape hairs stood up on end
So I decided to look again
Arghh – to my horror he was now on my shin
Still enjoying my nice warm shower
I jumped up and down and flung my legs ‘round
Well as much as I could in a cower
But this spider wasn’t to be daunted
Or flung from his warm resting place
There was only once recourse left for me
A hard slap upon his face
With that he dropped off and kicked around
He was obviously in some pain
So with my foot I pressed him quite firmly
And pushed him down the drain
The Echidna and the Wombat
An Echidna and a Wombat met
While wandering out one day
The Wombat rather cheekily asked
“How about a quick roll in the hay?”
Echidna shocked by his remark
Told him to take a hike
“Work off some of that energy
On other thing you like!
I’m far too tired for foolish games
And likewise games of chance
I’m off to lunch on such deserts
As Mango flavoured ants!”
Wombat looked up and smiled with glee
Pleading “May I please have some?
I know where there is such a bed
So you aren’t leaving less I come!”
Echidna paused and thought a while
Maybe he could give it a go
There’s plenty more where they came from
Long as he sucks and doesn’t blow!
For All Eternity
If I looked into our hearts Dear
And spoke of what we both desired
In a lover and a soul mate
Of the similarities we required
For one with Passion and Affection
Patience and Understanding
Honesty and Caring
Softly Spoken – Undemanding
These traits of love we’d recognize
Within each other’s eyes
A knowing comfort so familiar
That no words could verbalize
Such things we share together
Emptiness when we’re apart
Make our lonesome calls and letters
Even dearer to my heart
I love the way you hold me
Tender words of love to me
You’re all I’ll ever want Dear
For all Eternity
Baby Bloomer Blues
As I gaze at myself in the mirror
At the age lines that I have amassed
My mind travels back to my childhood
And how quickly the years have passed
While growing up as a ‘Baby Boomer’
The sheers joy of everything then
Danny Dux was our ‘hero’ and radio star
His live broadcast – we’d kill to attend
And then came the wonder of wonders
The first ever television transmission
Our lounge with neighbours all huddled round
(My big brother tried charging admission)
Holidays – they were never a problem
Like our day trips, we’d head off on Sunday
To Amity Point by boat, Caloundra or Hollywell
Or Aunty’s farm up in Bundy
Simple breaks that were always the greatest
Along with the neighbourhood parties
And the treat that mum always bought home for me
On their nights out ------
A packet of Smarties
Is There An Afterlife?
Is there an Afterlife --- A home up above?
Where GOD and our lost loved ones, are waiting just for us
A chance for a reunion, to tell them of our love
Where all is beautifully serene, without any kind of fuss
Could I tell my long lost dad, when I saw him standing there
That I really was so sorry – that I didn’t visit him
Of all the hours since he’s been gone – my agony, despair
Were brought upon by foolish pride, that I would not give in
I would confide to dear old dad and my big sister too
How I loved them both so dearly, even though they angered me
That I didn’t mean to argue – to say what was untrue
You are what I really care about, my loving family
Yes, there must be an Afterlife – a chance to make amends
To forgive and be forgiven of all the trouble and the strife
For GOD is all around us – in everything we do
And HE wouldn’t let us separate - If there wasn’t a heaven too!
Looking At Something Familiar
Pondering on ‘Looking at something familiar’
As though for the first time can be rather fun
Tho’ collating my thoughts into rhyming material
May not be so easily done!
I was listening – focused to a middle aged Bard
Quiet spoken, attractive, when I finally saw
The resemblance she has to a Hollywood actress
Soft, brown eyes – sweet Drew Barrymore!
This lady I’m certain could stand in for Drew
In a movie for her at this age
And acting wouldn’t be too difficult
“Cause with Theatre Group she’s been on stage
Her modesty is only overshadowed
By her talents in Art and Rhyme
So I’m looking at Some-one familiar
As though for the very first time
And this lady I’m with the uncanny likeness
Why she’d blush with this revelation I’d say
So to keep her from being embarrassed
Confide her first name begins with a Jay!
Back At School
(For my daughters)
It’s time to go in – the school bell is ringing
And mothers their first year students are bringing
The odour of chalk on the blackboards painted
While the smell of mown grass on the air is tainted
The gardens and hedges all neatly clipped
Their playground and oval now newly equipped
The Tuckshop is open – school lunches prepared
benches and desks all newly repaired
The swimming pool cleaned and filled to the brim
Cool, clear water lapping up over tiled rim
Old and new students, excitement and fear
Lost little ones – wondering why they are here
Welcome old friends and to new too
It’s great to be back at school – Yahoo!
The Call Of Nature
A Tadpole met a sleeping egg
One without a shell
They bumped into each other
Like a bucket dropped down a well
Tadpole was quite attracted
Even tho’ it was really dark
And knew that with this interlude
He would definitely leave his mark
Upon this soft and sleeping egg
Atop this fallopian tree
Who was minding her own business
Protecting her virginity
Suddenly egg awakened
By Tadpoles excessiveness
Thought “What was he up to?”
It was anybody’s guess
Then with a sudden explosion
Tadpole had broken through
Her soft gentle exterior
The sensation was quite new
All sorts of things were happening
A multitude or more
Her life would never be the same
Of this she could be sure
Egg could no longer fight him off
She had tried to protect her nest
“Tadpole’s had his way with me
I’ll let nature do the rest!”
Oh Johnny - Oh!
My brother John is over
He’s bought ‘his birthday’ flow
Filling up the empty glasses
A toast to Johnny, Oh
He emptied his third bottle
I ask him to drink slow
To take his time and sip it
But --- Oh, Johnny, Oh
He’s slurring “where’s the music”
“Come on,” He says “Let’s go
We’ll start up a new dance craze.”
But – Oh, Johnny, Oh
His half a slab is gone now
He’s reeling to and fro
Staggering to the toilet
But --- Oh, Johnny, Oh
Your wife Rose is waiting
She called and hour ago
Please get your act together
And go, Johnny Go
The Taxi Cab is leaving
John’s on his way to Ro’
Another visit ended
Goodo, Johnny Oh
The Saturday Matinee
Life way back in the fifties, when we took the time to talk
Of movies and our hobbies, then taking ourselves for a walk
We’d stroll along to the pictures, which was about a mile or more
Where as Saturday Matinee-ers, we could get in for one and four
The serials that kept us guessing – would start the show and then
Just as he did always, the hero escaped again
The light came on twas interval; we fought our place in line
To buy ice-cream, a drink and some lollies
And back to our seats in time
As the lights grew dim – screened the trailers
All promising laughs and action
The kids would cheer and whistle
As they started the main attraction
We’d all sit quiet and fantasize, about those up on screen
That we were all brave heroes or locked in some love scene
The moment was then broken – as Jaffas rolled down the aisles
And Brooksie and my big brother, gathered them up with smiles
The lights came on – twas over, our adventures for that day
Entertainment for a pittance --- at the Saturday matinee
Money, Money, Money
Money, money, money – is the root of all evil
And divorced spouses are after their fill
The once ‘love of your life’ is now ready to profit
From all of your assets – they don’t care how you got it
Nor that it’s yours – or you worked hard and long
As long as it’s theirs, they don’t care that it’s wrong
They’re eager and greedy to make their demand
Upon your belongings without reprimand
They’re laughing because now, they’ll have plenty of money
The law has empowered them and it isn’t funny
To take half of all that you’ve amassed through your life
And sometimes it all – causing financial strife
What happened to Karma and what goes around?
My lover has caused me such grief – I am drowned
In debt, untold sorrow and questioning - why?
Please hand me a tissue, I’m going to cry.
Tippy Tapp
(For Christina)
I have a little kitty
Her name is Tippy Tapp
And every time I sit down
She climbs up on my lap
She loves it when I stroke her
And licks me with delight
But when somebody makes a noise
She jumps up with a fright
And if she cannot sit on me
Where she is warm and snug
She’ll lie down by the heater
Or curl up with my rug
I love my little kitty
My little Tippy Tapp
Who doesn’t like to be alone
‘Cause she’s a ‘fraidy cat
(In memory of Tippi 1988 – 2003)
Eden's Garden, Earth then Home
As I sit here pondering Heaven and what God keeps for me above
I am speechless as Earth’s beauty – what He fashioned out of love
His many unique creations – they are precious – more than gold
Fragrant Wildflowers in a meadow, Earth’s great beauty to behold
Trees are true majestic flora, all superb in every way
Vast blue skies – a painter’s masterpiece
Dawn and sunset of each new day
Mountains, valleys, deserts, plateaus, oceans, lakes – a waterfall
Are more of His creations
God - He made them one and all
Ah, the beauty and the wonder, of His miracles run rife
Confirmation that He loves us, always near throughout our life
For aren’t we all God’s children – descendants of Eden long ago?
And not just friends or neighbours
But His children - not His foe
Oh such beautiful surroundings, touch my heart where ‘ere I roam
Proving God is up there waiting, till it’s time to take me home
Rolf Germador
I bought a little puppy
For my daughters – of which there’s four
A white fluffy little fellow
German Shepherd cross Labrador
I watched in curious amazement
As he grew doubling in size
Then decided a course in dog training
Would teach him to heed my cries
“Come Guy” for Guy I named him
For he was a boy you see
But whenever I Guy called him
He’s bark back ‘Rolf’ to me
For many long weeks it continued
I, calling Guy to my side
But ‘Rolf’ was all I’d get from him
Just ‘Rolf’ and a dent to my pride
The dog training helped in some ways
For he’d fetch when I told him to come
And his dedication to full lunar yodelling
Showed his tones were far better than some
It’s funny the way that it happened
/> Looking back I seemed rather dense
This charming ignorant Germador
Was actually making some sense
Then one day it finally hit me
When I called Guy to the back door
He wasn’t being deliberately ignorant
For his name wasn’t Guy
But ‘Rolf’ Germador
(In memory of Guy 1980-1990)
A Life of Leisure
With thongs on his feet and stubby in his hand
He was standing at the bar, partly listening to the band
Dressed in his trackies, with a long unkempt beard
Fag a hanging out his mouth; he was something to be feared
Teeth all stained by nicotine and a dialect from the gutter
A local pub regular, He was their bread and butter
Drinking every day and then, staggering back home
And waiting for him smiling, his friend – the garden gnome
His life wasn’t to be envied, every day the same old stroll
To the pub, his daily exercise, and drinking up his dole
An amber fluid diet, topped with endless rollie fags
Everyday was like a weekend, of mates and grog and gags
But for today he breasts the bar
The barmaid asks his pleasure
He says “One day to retire
and live a life of leisure!”
Unrequited Love
Oh love, if you were with me now and how I wish you were
I would show you the true depth of my heart
The love and ache I feel for you
Is like the bite of a venomous snake
Deep, Penetrating, Painful
I try to push all thought of you aside to save my anguish
But still your memory haunts me
I see your face
Though not perfectly cleat, tingles race through me
What is this loss of self – this dulling of my senses?
To want more than life, that, which I cannot have
The hopeless torment of unrequited love, insatiable desire